Revolutionary, plastic-free materials. Powered by nature.

Biophilica is a London-based biotechnology company creating 100% biobased material solutions for the fashion, footwear, packaging, furniture, homeware and automotive industries.

  • Treekind®

    A biobased leather alternative that is completely free of plastic.

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  • Brightbond®

    A 100% biobased adhesive with excellent bonding results.

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  • Limited Edition Bangles

    Hand-made by our team in London in stainless steel featuring Treekind®

  • USDA Certified 100% Biobased

    In June 2024, Treekind® was certified by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) to contain 100% biobased inputs.

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  • Certified Vegan

    Treekind® is PETA certified vegan. The material is completely free of animal-derived substances.

  • ISO standard testing

    Our materials undergo rigorous ISO testing to ensure they meet your performance requirements.

United Nations SDGs: our commitment

The United Nations' 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) provide a shared blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet, now and into the future.

Biophilica’s mission ("To enable industries to transition from petrochemical products to circular, sustainably sourced products, without the loss of performance") aligns especially closely with four of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals: